A beautiful country I love, full of caring people and great energy

Manner in Japanese Culture

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Do I tip at a Japanese ryokan?

This is a common question asked by foreign tourists who are staying at a ryokan ...

Accommodation in Japan,Manner in Japanese Culture

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If you have the opportunity to travel to Japan, we highly recommend staying in a traditional Japanese ryokan (旅館). Th ...

Basic Japanese for travellers,Ryokan

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How should ‘ryokan(旅館)’ be pronounced?

Many people learning Japanese, particularly English speakers ...

Travelling Japan on a budget

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Traveling to Japan is an excellent opportunity to indulge in delicious meals. However, Japan is known globally for it ...

Manner in Japanese Culture

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(Photo by Önder Örtel on Unsplash)

When traveling to Japan or deciding to live there, you may wonder if you are ...

Manner in Japanese Culture

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Travel is a wonderful opportunity to explore new places and experience different cultures. On the other hand, it is i ...

Basic Japanese for travellers

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Unless you’re particularly fussy about your food, you’re bound to have countless delicious culinary exper ...

Basic Japanese for travellers

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Knowing some basic Japanese can often smooth out interactions with local folks. Even if you’re not having in-de ...

Basic Japanese for travellers

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Embarking on a journey or stay in Japan promises to be a wonderful experience filled with beautiful landscapes, a ric ...

Japan Onen Rule (Hot spring)

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Sprinkled throughout the Japanese archipelago is a plethora of hot springs, gifted by the country’s abundant na ...