Discovering Ibaraki: Where Exactly is it Located in Japan?


Ibaraki Prefecture is home to natural landmarks such as Mount Tsukuba and Lake Kasumigaura. In addition, it boasts tourist attractions like Kairakuen Garden and Kashima Shrine. The prefectural capital is Mito City.

Where is ibaraki in japan? Is ibaraki in Tokyo?

Ibaraki Prefecture is located in the northeastern part of the Kanto region in Japan.

The Kanto region includes the following prefectures: Tokyo, Ibaraki, Tochigi, Gunma, Saitama, Chiba, and Kanagawa. Ibaraki Prefecture faces the Pacific Ocean, with Fukushima Prefecture to the north and Tochigi and Saitama Prefectures to the west.

How far is ibaraki from tokyo?

Distance from Tokyo to major cities in Ibaraki Pref:

From Hitachi CityApprox. 152.7 km
From Mito CityApprox. 102km
From Tsuchiura CityApprox. 69.1km
From Tsukuba CityApprox. 60.3km

Regions of Ibaraki

Ibaraki Prefecture is often classified into five regions: the northern region(県北:kenhoku), the central region(県央:ken-ou), the Rokko region(鹿行), the southern region(県南:ken-nan), and the western region(県西;kensei). Each region contains representative towns and cities, and exhibits unique features as follows:

Northern Region:

Including Hitachi City(日立市), Kita-Ibaraki City(北茨城市), Daigo Town(大子町), and others. Hitachi City is highly industrialized, forming a lush area with the Pacific Ocean and the Yamizo Mountains(八溝山).

Central Region:

Including Mito City(水戸市), Hitachinaka City(ひたちなか市), Kasama City(笠間市), Omitama City(小美玉市), and others. Mito City is where the prefectural office is located, and Omitama City is where Ibaraki Airport(茨城空港) is set up. Hitachinaka City is also advancing in industrialization.

Rokko Region:

Including Kashima City(鹿嶋市), Kamisu City(神栖市), Itako City(潮来市), Namegata City(行方市), Hokota City(鉾田市), and others. The cities of Kashima and Kamisu form the Kashima Waterfront Industrial Zone(鹿島臨海工業地帯) and are highly industrialized. There are also tourist attractions such as Kashima Jingu Shrine(the main shrine:鹿島神宮(総本宮)) and the Itako Iris Garden(潮来あやめ園).

Southern Region:

Including Tsukuba City(つくば市), Tsuchiura City(土浦市), Ushiku City(牛久市), Toride City(取手市), Ryugasaki City(龍ヶ崎市), and others. The area is where the Tsukuba Science City(つくば学園都市) is set up and new town developments for the bedroom communities of the Tokyo metropolitan area have also been progressing.

Western Region:

Including Chikusei City(筑西市), Koga City(古賀市), Bando City(坂東市), Yuki City(結城市), and others. It is an inland region focused on agriculture in the central part of the Kanto Plain(関東平野).