Travel around Japan on a budget and have fun!

Manner in Japanese Culture

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Do I tip at a Japanese ryokan?

This is a common question asked by foreign tourists who are staying at a ryokan ...

Accommodation in Japan,Manner in Japanese Culture

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If you have the opportunity to travel to Japan, we highly recommend staying in a traditional Japanese ryokan (旅館). Th ...

Manner in Japanese Culture

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(Photo by Önder Örtel on Unsplash)

When traveling to Japan or deciding to live there, you may wonder if you are ...

Manner in Japanese Culture

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Travel is a wonderful opportunity to explore new places and experience different cultures. On the other hand, it is i ...

Manner in Japanese Culture,Ryokan

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Have you ever come across the term “Yukata(浴衣)”? This is a traditional Japanese garment, particularly pop ...

Accommodation in Japan,Manner in Japanese Culture,Ryokan

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Embarking on your first trip to Japan, and immersing yourself in your inaugural ryokan (旅館: traditional Japanese inn) ...

Manner in Japanese Culture

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Do you walk around your house with shoes on?

Be mindful when you come to Japan!

The reason being, it is a ...

Accommodation in Japan,Manner in Japanese Culture,Ryokan

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Choosing your accommodation forms a part of your travel experience. While there are many options in Japan like hotels ...